Frequently Asked Questions

Does Dana offer workshops?
  • Yes, definitely! Dana has half and full-day workshops covering a variety of analytics topics, including GTM, GA4, and much more. She is also available to develop a workshop that is fully customized to your unique needs as well. Workshops can be delivered via Zoom or in-person, and your organization will also receive video recordings and significant training materials. Check out Dana’s workshop options.

How can I learn from Dana?
  • Dana teaches Analytics for Agencies and Practical GA4 through KP Playbook. Both courses come with access to a community of fellow analytics enthusiasts where you’ll find Dana hanging out and answering questions! Or being an ear to vent to / shoulder to cry on—whatever you need. 

    You can also take one of Dana’s LinkedIn Learning courses or enroll in a class at the University of Alberta.

How can I book Dana to speak at my next event?
  • Get in touch here.

Does Dana have a speaking fee?
  • Dana charges a base fee (which is negotiable) plus travel and lodging. Please get in touch to find out more.

Can Dana help my company with digital marketing?
  • Kick Point can! Find out more here.

I'd like to pick Dana's brain over coffee. When is she available?
  • You can hire Kick Point for one-on-one consulting or training.

How do I know that you're the right choice for the level our audience is at?
  • You probably don’t! At least not yet. Dana is comfortable speaking to advanced and intermediate crowds, and often speaks to beginner audiences as well — but let’s talk about where your group is at to be sure she isn’t going too slow or too fast.

Can you give the talk you did at [insert conference name here] to my team at [insert business name here]?
  • Possibly! Some talks might need an update since digital marketing changes so rapidly. Get in touch to find out.

Still have a question? Contact Dana